Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:
Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:
The properties of the soil;
How the soil interacts with the growing crop;
What nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
When and how to apply these nutrients;
The ways that crops grow and develop;
How climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
How best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
How to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.
Here at Exclusive Landscaping, we strive to develop and execute high quality, science-based, proactive agronomic programs that enhance the beauty of the landscape while harmonizing with nature.
Here at Exclusive Landscaping, we strive to develop and execute high quality, science-based, proactive agronomic programs that enhance the beauty of the landscape while harmonizing with nature.
Maintaining healthy plants starts with good nutrition. The amounts and ratios of essential nutrients required by different planting types often vary, and the sources from which these elements are derived can make all the difference in how plants respond. In other words, there is a lot more to fertilizer than the three numbers on the bag! Our blends are customized based on plant species, soil texture and chemistry to ensure plants get what they need to provide an attractive, healthy and vigorous landscape.
Maintaining healthy plants starts with good nutrition. The amounts and ratios of essential nutrients required by different planting types often vary, and the sources from which these elements are derived can make all the difference in how plants respond. In other words, there is a lot more to fertilizer than the three numbers on the bag! Our blends are customized based on plant species, soil texture and chemistry to ensure plants get what they need to provide an attractive, healthy and vigorous landscape.
Environmental stewardship is an integral part of Exclusives mission. We utilize Integrated Pest Management or “IPM” to keep plant pests suppressed below damaging thresholds. This strategy involves routine monitoring of the landscape to identify and remedy pest outbreaks early before they become widespread. When curative treatment is needed, we target only areas where pests are active to reduce exposure and environmental impact. Preventative treatments are implemented for pests known to cause significant damage to shrubs or lawns.
Environmental stewardship is an integral part of Exclusives mission. We utilize Integrated Pest Management or “IPM” to keep plant pests suppressed below damaging thresholds. This strategy involves routine monitoring of the landscape to identify and remedy pest outbreaks early before they become widespread. When curative treatment is needed, we target only areas where pests are active to reduce exposure and environmental impact. Preventative treatments are implemented for pests known to cause significant damage to shrubs or lawns.

Our goal is to care for the landscape in a manner that has the least potential to harm people, pets or the environment, and we take the safety of our team members and our customers very seriously. All of the products used in our IPM program are selected only after a rigorous review and approval process to ensure that they are as safe and effective as possible. Exclusives agronomy experts engage in ongoing research collaborations with universities and product manufacturers across the country, always seeking ways to evolve programs sustainably.
Our goal is to care for the landscape in a manner that has the least potential to harm people, pets or the environment, and we take the safety of our team members and our customers very seriously. All of the products used in our IPM program are selected only after a rigorous review and approval process to ensure that they are as safe and effective as possible. Exclusives agronomy experts engage in ongoing research collaborations with universities and product manufacturers across the country, always seeking ways to evolve programs sustainably.
Exclusive Landscape is committed to the education of team members in a dynamic industry where learning is key to keeping current with new information, technology and practices. We have over 50 Managers and Technicians with horticulture, irrigation and lawn care certifications that include the following:
Exclusive Landscape is committed to the education of team members in a dynamic industry where learning is key to keeping current with new information, technology and practices. We have over 50 Managers and Technicians with horticulture, irrigation and lawn care certifications that include the following:
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